Wednesday 2 February 2011

Music magazine double-page article research

I really like this double page spread, it has been layed out and presented differently which makes it look unique. The full shot of the artist allows the readers to see how she is dressed. She appears to look very well groomed and is wearing a mini red dress which suggests that she is a very fashionable person. The way her legs have been postioned tells the audience that she is very young and flexible.  She has been positioned to the right hand side of the page breaking the text into two, this helps to reduce the proportion of the text and helps the reader to dijest the information a little at a time. at the top of the page there are a couple of different shots of her that have been taken in different angles, its looks like she is dancing, so straight away by looking at these images this tells the reader that she is a dancer. These images have been minipulated and are in black and white. Im not quite sure as to why the images have been made black and white, but i think it looks quite good how it flows with the text and allows a sense of continuity. The artist is the only object ont he page which is in colour, this makes her stand out from the text and lifts her of the page.
The main sub-heading before the text starts has been written in quite a large font. It's the largest font on the page which suggests that its the main and most important part of the artible. The article has written in is Times New Roman. This is a serif font, this is quite a traditional style of writing and suggests that this is quite formal.
 However on the first line of the article, there is the use of the bold sans serif font. This tells us that this piece of text is going to be informal. Both of these fonts contrast each other. This has probably done to show both formal and informal sides of the text, making all readers wanting to read the article.
There are five black lines that have been stretched accross the two pages. This has been done to divide the black and white images with the text, this helps to make the article look oragaised and less cluttered.

This is a double page spread of a music magazine. It is very unique in the way it has been presented and layed out. The two pages flow together really well without any clashes. I like the way in which the image on the Right hand side is a mid shot which that allows the audience to see what she is waering from her head to knees. The way she is posing for the camera is very stylish, this suggests that she is a quite posh and enjoys what she is doing. She is sitting on the side of a bed and her body language tells us that she has just got up from bed and up and ready for a busy day. There is another image of her on the top left hand side of the page. However, this image is a mid shot and only fills up half of the page. The image appears to be in black and white which, which contrasts with the coloured image and text quite well. If this image was in colour it wouldn't of has stood out and grabbed the readers attention aswell as it has now.
The name of the artists `Jamelia` appears to be written in the largest font on that page, this has been done to grab the readers attention, and pull them towards the article. The letters appear to be transparent, which means that the image of the artists in the background is visible withing the word `Jamelia`, but they appear in colour which makes the name of the artists stand out really well. The colours that appear through the transparent text have been edited so that they look bolder and more colourfull. Even though the letters are transparent, it gives the word a patterend and textured look.
This double [page spread is divided into quesitons and answers... basically and interview of Jamelia. The quesitons have been written in red and her responses have been written out in white. These two colours are used throughout the whole article and this allows the two pages to flow together smoothly. Both of these colours have been taken from the clothing the she appears to be waering on the images. The main image part of the article has been placed in the middle of the two pages, which helps the two pages to fit together and let the article flow. This part of the article has been written in a slightly larger font in comparison with the other text on the page. This has been done so that it stand out from the page.
The main heading of the page has been placed on the top of the page. It has been written in a white font in cpaital letters so that it grabs the readers attention. The white text goes quite well against the black background.
All the of the text on this page has been typed out in sans-serif which suggsts that this is an informal and chatty article.

There is one image on this double page spread which takes up 3/4 of the page. The image has been positioned on the left side of the spread, also taking up part of the right hand page. Because of the size of the image and the fact that there is only one person, makes it clear that the article is about Florence.
There are three columns of text. They are all different sizes due to where they are so that they fit on the page, and not cramped together. None of the columns of text are that long, nor wide, instead, they are smaller which puts emphasis on the main image, which grabs the readers attention.
The  colour scheme used is white, black, grey and red. The colours put together give the double page spread a classy and cool look and feel. They also go well together which makes the page look quite stylish. There has been extra text added into the background, ‘USA’, which makes the spread look more interesting.
The main headline reads ‘got the love’, as any reader who knows of Florence and the Machine, knows that ‘Got the Love’ is a title of one of her most well known songs. It’s in an italic and sans-serif font style which is different from the rest of the text on the page, this helps the name of the article stand out and lift off the page.  Although it is in black, like most of the text on the page, it stands out more because of the different font and its larger size. The largest text on the page is behind the main image in the background, which is in a grey colour and reads ‘USA’. Although it is the largest text on the page, it doesn’t appear to be of the most importance, as other text stands out more.
The page looks very artistic from the way that the different features are laid out. There is lots of layering and various interesting fonts as well as a contemporary colour scheme. All of the different elements have been laid out cleverly to make the page look interesting, making the reader want to read more and more.
All of the text on this page appears to be on the right hand side, and the fact that the text hasn’t been interrupted, suggests that it is aimed at a more mature and older audience.
The way in which the photograph of Florence has been taken is very unique, with a simple and plain white background makes everything on the page stand out.
The background of the image is white, which completely contrasts to the artists’ black and edgy costume and make the artist stand out more, emphasising that the article is about her. The artists’ expression is also quite aggressive, which relates to her costume.

I quite like how the artists are all in very similar clothing, within similar shades of colours. This is emphasised throughout the page by the way in which the colours used are of the same font colours used, I like this feature as it helps add connection, it also allows the page to flow smoothly. The next feature that I noticed is how, three members of the band have had their transparency in the image changed so that they don’t stand out as much, whereas one of the men has been made slightly brighter and less transparent; this suggests to the audience that he may be the main focus of the feature. I also noticed that he is the only member in a different colour of clothing, for example the three members at the back are all dressed in grey, black and white colours which match the majority of the texts amongst the page whereas, the artist on his own is dressed in gold which is only used once within the text. This text states ‘Will he’, this suggests to the reader that this may be written about him as it shows a link between the two in terms of colour and shading, as they both stand out from the rest of the uniformed colours.
There aren’t any bright and over powering colours used. This helps create a cool impression as bright colours suggest fun and child like excitement, this also suggests that this band is very serious. so by using less powerful colours tell us that this article is aimed at older teenagers.
 I also like the use of the black highlighted text, this is because it suggests importance as it is brought away from the rest of the text suggesting that it is an important bit of information that needs to be read immediately by the audience. Regarding the text, I also like how the questions are written in a slightly bolder text than the answers, this helps break up the text and makes it a lot clearer for the audience to read.
The text appears to be placed to the left hand side and the image is places on the right.  this has been done so that the text doesn't interfere with the image.  I also like how the photograph has been placed across one page and then a little over the next, this helps the two pages to connect quite nicely.

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