Wednesday 2 February 2011

Music magazine contents page research

This is an example of the contents page in Q magazine. The Q logo is right at the top of the page to show the brand along with the issue, Ocotber 2008. The letter `Q` has been written in the same size font as the word `contents` this allows a sense of flow and continuity throughout the contents page.
This magazine is aimed at males aged 18+, this is because they are the type of people usually interested in the genre of music this magazine is aimed at. Also the magazine seems to be quite serious rather than playful as it would be if it were aimed at a younger audience.
The ideology behind this magazine is to promote pop, rock and indie music. This is shown by the variety of bands that are featured within the magazine and within different articles.
The main image on this page is of The Courteeners.  The Courteeners are a relatively new band and Q focuses on old and new music. The image is a full shot of them and taken up half the size of the contents page. This has been done to allows the readers to see what they are wearing, and the size will help to grab their attention to the contents. From what they appear to be wearing it tells the reader that they are quite a new band.
 They have seperated the features only in this month's magazine and features that are included every month. This is good for the reader as it helps them to find out what is included within the magazine fairly easily. The page number appear to be written in red and the description of whats included on that page has been wirtten in a black font. These two colours are very effective and work together really well. The red enabled the page numbers to stand out and make it easier for the reader to find what they are looking for.
The contents page is simple and the presntation of it is really good. It is easy to read and the colour scheme fits in with the magazine's masthead, allowing the whole magazine flow nicely.

The text on this contents page appear to have been written in a mixture of sans-serif and serif, which suggests that this magazine is formal aswell as informal.
This magazine also has a its very won website, this is really good as people who are unable to go to the shops and buy a magazine will be able to have access to it through the internet. 

 This magazine content page is from the vibe magazine which is manly a urban type music such as r&b and hop hop. I really like this contents page, its one of  my favorite ones so far. I think the picture makes the page look really modern and interesting, the pose is unique so this contents page would stand out from others, the shot that it has been taken from allows us to see what she is wearing from head to toe. This image also fill up the whole page, this has been done to grab the readers attention staright to the artist. she appears to have her legs raised in the air in the shape of the letter V. This is quite cleverly done as the name of the magazine starts with this letter too.
The top she is wearing is the same colour as the background, this allows the whole page to flow smoothly. From researching contents pages of music magazines i have learnt that again the picture seems like the most important feature of the page, then the text. From what she is wearing (clothing and jewellery) you can see staright away that she has a very unique way of presenting herself to the public. She is posing for the camera in a different and chic way, which suggests that the magazine is cool and classy.
I like the way the page is  split into two subheading; “Features” and “Fashion” , it makes it easier for the reader to find what they are looking for.
The colours used on this contents page are all very rich and elegant, which straight away tell is that this is going to be an expensive magazine, full of hot gossip.
The word `contents` appears to have been written in capital letter and in a white font. This helps it to stand out against the dark background. It immediately grabs the readers attention. I'm not quite sure as to why the word contents has been typed out in 3 steps. This has probably been done so that it does not interfere with the main image, and so that all the text is kept to the right hand side of the page.
All of the text on this page has been written out in sans-serif which suggests that this magazine will be an informal and chatty magazine.
This magazine contents page appears to look very well organised and layed out. You can tell that a lot of work and effort has been put into making this contents page. The main colours used are red black and yellow which represent death/danger. This reflects the type of music as rock bands usually sound quite dangerous. The images are all of a rock band. They all seem to have a number next to them which makes it fairly easy for readers to find the page numbers. The main imge on the page has been made a bigger size in comparison to the others. The photo also appears to be in black and white  which is most likely to be done to show that this band is quite old.
All of the page numbers and features have been writtenon the left hand side of the cover. The page numbers appear to be typed out in red, whereas the description of what the page includes has been written in black. These colours both work together very well.
The word `contents` appears to be in a vey large front, this has been done to grab the readers attention.
The name of the magzine `Drummer` has been written in capital letter.  `Drummer` looks like it has been written in the largest font on the contents page. This has been dont to make it stand out and it also helps the nasthead to lift it off the page. The two `M's` from the word drummer have been merged into one, buy doing this it now looks like a heartbeat. This links to the idea of the dumbeat acting as your heartbeat, that is probably the reasing for this merging.
The word `exclusive` looks like it has been stamped on the page. The stamp has been blended really well from the white space next to the page features into the image of the man on the drums. I think this helps the magazine to flow smoothly.
The dominant colours used on this contents page are black, red and white. These colours represent fear and dager which reflect the band. If the colout pink/blue/green were used, it wouldn't of had looked as good as the colours used now. The red really lifts of the page and stands out really well against the black and white background. The magazine will be targetted at male drum band fans aged 20+, by this age men are agressive so these colours used on this contents page also reflect their personalities.

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