Wednesday 2 February 2011

Music magazine contents page planning

Before i start thinking about designing and planning my contents page i created 4 drafts of possible ideas of what my contents page could look like. I tried to create 4 completely different drafts so that i could test and try a wide variety of layouts and find out which one would suit my magazine.
My first draft of my magazine contents page is situated on the left hand side of the page. This contents page is quite unique in the way it is layed out. The date will appear in the left hand corner in quite a large font, so that it will keep the resder aware of the date. The name of the magazine will appear across the top of the page in a clear, bold, and a sans serif font. This is because my magazine will eb quite informal and chatty. The font of my magazine will reflect the tone and register of the magazine itself.  An image of an artists will appear on the left had side of the page, with the contents on the right hand side. I really like the way this contents page is presented as it looks very organised.
My second draft is on the top right hand side of the page. The word `contents` will appear to be written across the top of the page in a large font so that readers are aware of the fact that this is the contents page. The date will be placed on the right hand side of the title of the page, but will appear in a much smaller font as this is less inportant. There will be two images on this contents page arranged on either side of the contents. The contents will be divided into two sections; one that will be music and another one that will be features. The page titles and number will appear to be slanted, this will make the page look quite different and will help the text to flow. However, i think that this makes the page look quite childish. Also to add to the negative side of this, readers will find it difficult to read the contents page and will have to titl their heads in order to read what it says. But other than that i think this is quite a different layout, which  people wouldn't expect to see.
My third contents page draft is on the bottom left hand side of the page. This appears to look quite similar to normal everyday music magazines. The name of the magazine will appear to be written alongside with the word `contents`. This will help the reader to know what magazine contents page they are reading and this also allows a sense of continuity. The page numbers and features will appear to be written on the left hand side of the page, in a block form. This will make the text look organised and kept away from the image which will be placed on the opposite side, so that there is no distraction caused. The date has been positioned at the top of the page, making it easier for readers to know what date it is. I don't really like this cover as it looks like what you would normally see on a music magazine contents page... i want readers to discover something new, which will want them to read on.
My fourth contents page is on the bottom right hand side of the page. This draft is the most unusual out of the others, this is why i like this the most out of the others. The name of the magazine (BEATZ) will be written across the top half of the page, this has been done to attract the readers to this. The text will have a white outline and it will be filled in the same colour as the background so that it flows smoothly with the page. The text will appear to be in a bubble type of font. `Contents` will be written just below the name of the magazine so that it directs the readers staright away after reading the masthead. The image will be on the left hand side of the page and will probably overlap the mastehad. This will help the page to flow and look quite professional. The contents will be placed on the right hand side of the page and will be divided into two sections. One which will say `Features` and another one that says `+plus`. Under the plus section things like freebies and upcoming tours etc. will be placed below this heading. By creating this section it will make readers want to read on and find out more.
Overall i have analysed all four of my contents pages and i have come up with the decision that i want draft number four to be the template of my contents page. As this looks professional and different.
This is a computerised version of my chosen draft for my contents page.

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