Wednesday 2 February 2011

Music magazine contents page production

Before i started to even think about my contents page i had to think about my colour scheme, so that it flows throughout my magazine which will make it look a lot more professional than  changing colours al the time. My second image for the contents page doesn't fit in with my purple and green colour scheme as it is red, so what i did was that i took the image and uploaded it onto photoshop and changed the colour to a green which made it looks more sensible and at the same time allows it to fit in with the colour scheme. 
This is the transformation:

From this.......
To this. 

This is my Contents page, before i made any improvements.  As i thought it could look more professional and made more use out of the blank spaces. 

This is my final contents page, i have changed a lot of things which i will mention in my evaluation.

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