Wednesday 2 February 2011

Music magazine cover photo shoot

I have taken a wide range of photo shots, which I took on my sisters wedding day. She is going to `be` Nicole Scherzinger as she looks quite similar to her, All of the images below have been taken abroad.

photograph 1: This photo was taken outside my villa on my sisters wedding day. This appears to be a long shot, and allows the audience to see what she is wearing from head to toe. However I wont be using this image for my front cover as a vast majority of music magazines don't use long shot images. 
From my target audience research the most popular shot my target audience wanted to appear on the front cover was a mid-shot. So in order to attract my target audience to the magazine I will have to do as what my questionnaire results say. 

Photograph 2: This is another photo which was taken indoors. This is also a full shot image, which doesn't just allow you to see what the bride is wearing but you can also see the balloon arch behind which suggests that it's some sort of celebration. 

Photograph 3: This image is the same as the one above but it's a much closer shot, which focuses more on the jewellery and make up. 
However, I won't be using this image because when I carried out my target audience research about 90% of the people asked wanted the main image that would appear on the front cover to look directly into the image. 

Photograph 4: I really like this image in comparison with all the others. Its taken at a nice angle and looks quite elegant. My sister appears to be looking straight into the camera, which is what i was looking for. So I think that this image would be the perfect one to develop further and to use as my front cover. 

Photograph 5: This image was taken inside a hotel, as you can tell from the background. However, i can see this image being used on the front cover as the my sister's body seems to be facing away from the camera, so when it comes to people purchasing this magazine they would feel as if the image on the front cover is `ignoring` them. 

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