Monday 17 January 2011

Reseach into college magazines

This magzine is targeted at male college students. The name of the magzines says it all. The masthead is written clearly in a formal styled font. The student appears to be standing infront of the masthead, whjich suggests that college students come first and are the main priority. The dominant colour used on this magazine is lime green, this colour has been chosen to grab the audiences attention, and pull them to the magazine. on the front of the magzine there is an image of a young college student which appears to be wearing samrt clothing and holiding a pile of books. This image reflects the target audience in a positive way.
The cover lines have been positioned to the left and right hand side of the front cover keeping them away from the image of the student, this has been done to make the magazine look organised. The important cover lines appear to be written in a large font and the less important appear to be written in small.

Straight away you can see the masthead which has been positioned across the top of the page, this is a good way of attracting readers to the front page. The colour white has been used on the masthead, so that it stands out against the dark background. The white colour really works against the black, This size of the font is quite large, this has again been done to grab the target audiences attention to the front page and make them want to read it. 
The image of the student on the front cover means so much to a magazine. By just looking at the cover and avoid reading the cover lines, you can tell straight away that theis magazine is aimed at students. The close-up shot enables us to see her clothing and stationairy very well.
The cover lines appear to be in a much smaller font compared to the other text. This has probably been done to show that the texts that are in larger fonts are much more important than the text in the smaller font.
This magazine is very similar to the one above. However,  this one is targeted at females. The dominant colour used is red and blue.The medium shot is focused on the girl. The background is blurred to make her stand out further. She also  appears to be wearing sporty clothing, this suggests that the magazine is going to focus on mainly health. The masthead

appears to be written in block capitals, which make it stand out.


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