Thursday 27 January 2011

contents page research

This contents page belongs to a health magzine. The page number and the content of the magazine appears to be very well presented and layed out. The images on the right hand side have been randomly plotted on the page which i think looks quite good. If the image were aranged properly this would make the magzine look too informal but this `messing about` helps to show the formal and informal side to the magzine. The main colours used in this magazine are orange and black. These colours go extremelly well together.

This contents page belongs to a health and beauty magazine. The colour used are very suttle and create a warm atmosephere. There are no images used which i think makes the page look quite boring and lifeles.. However the layout and contents of this page is very well presented. The page numbers are clearly marked. The contents page also appears to have been divided into five key sections: travel, wellness, beauty, style and fitness. This division helps the reader to find what they want to read about fairly quickly.
The word `Contents` aoppears to be written in a larger font in comparison with the other text on the page, this has probably been done to grab the readers attention.
This contents page has been layed out and presented very well. A wide range of images and features have been used that makes the contents page look unique. The designer of this page is obviously very creative and has thought outside of the box. It's not an average contents page. The text appears to be slanted. The font used on this page is quite messy, whch makes it hard to read. The page numbers have been highlighted which makes it quite easy to read. There is no specific colour schemes which have been used, which makes the magazine look unprofessional.
Before i started to even think about designing the contents page for my college magazine i went through a process which i had to come up with 4 different ideas as to how i would lay out and present my contents page. So i sketched 4 completely different ideas. In the end i decided to choose sketch number 3 which is the one in the bottom left hand corner of the page. I thought this was a quite simple way to present the contents of my whole maagzine on one page. I will insert an image of a student on the contents page, as this will keep the flow of the magazine going. The page numbers will appear in a larger font in comparison with the text, as this will help readers to find the page quite quickly.

This is just my chosen contents page roughly drawn out in publisher.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

mock up front cover designs and features


College magazine name ideas:
STUDENTMAG- This word is a pun and has been made out of the word student and magazine combined together. It's quite clever, simple and goes staright to the point. However, i think for a college magazine it sounds lifeless.
MONKSTUDENT- This name is also an pun. Its has been made out of the word monkseaton and student. i really likes this name as the name of the school was merged with the word student. It sounds as if ive taken students that go to monkseaton to the next level.
INSPIRE- This name was randomly chosen. I thought the magazine that i would of had created would've been to inspire students. The word `inspire` wouldnt suite being the mastehead of this magazine as it sounds like something that you would find on a beauty advertisement.
MAGSEATON- As this college magazine is going to produced and sold and Monkseaton High School. I tried and made the word sound like monkseaton, by combining the word mag and seaton together.
Overall, in the end i decided to go for `monkstudent` as being the masthead for my magazine. As it was clear as to who the magazine is aimed for and the name of the school it belonged to at the same time.

Sunday 23 January 2011

Preliminary task

The Preliminary Task - Using DTP and an image manipulation program produce the front cover of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photo of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionly candidates must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.

Friday 21 January 2011

sample photographs for magazine front cover

photograph 1- standing outside of the main entrance. This image is a mid-shot of a student outside of school. It enables you to see what she is wearing from head to knee. The files and her handbag completes the `student` look.

This second photograph is similar to the one above, but this shot is more of a close-up. This image allows the audience to see her facial expressions and her body language quite well.

This third photograph also taken outside the school building, which allows us to see the entracnce of the school backgroung behind her. However, the quality of this image isn't that good.

photograph 4

photograph 5- sitting down and leaning on the bench. This image shows the `relaxing` side of school. She looks stress free and seems to be loving college.

photgraph 6- sitting down reading a revision book

I have chosen to use photograph 1 and develop it further, for my magazine front cover as the image looks like what would appear on the front page. This image is also a midshot. I took this photograph and uploaded onto a programme called Picnik. This software allows you to edit images and gives them a professional look. I boosted the colours of the photograph which makes it look eye catching. I didn't want to play around and use the editiing tools too much, just incase i ended up making the image look unsuitable for a college magazine cover.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

front cover drafts

Hand drawn front cover sketches

Before i got stuck into creating my magazine front cover i had to think very carefully about how i would set out my front page, as people will judge my magazine according to their first impressions. I did 4 different sketches of how i could set out my front page.  The top left hand corner is quite similiar to the one next to it on the right, the only difference is that the masthead on my first sketch is slanted, whereas sketch number two is staright. I thought about the features of a typical school magazine and tried to play around with them as this would show the `fun` side of college. The two sketches on the bottom are completely different to the ones above. They include the same features but they are arranged quite differently. i wasnt keen on the bottom two as they wouldnt appear on a normal college magazine. In the end i decided to go for the one on the top right hand corner as this sort if front cover looks more realistic and fairly organised.

Cover daft 1

This is a computerised draft of how the layout of my features on the front page of the magazine will appear. At this stage i did'nt come up with any cover line or sell line ideas.

Cover draft 1 developed

This is a more of a developed front cover. i still have kept the features in the same place but i have desided to add a barcode, as this would appear on most magazines. The image i have chosen hasnt been edited on fireworks yet, but this is a rough idea of what it will look like. The image is a mid-shot of a student outside of the school main entrance. 

Monday 17 January 2011

Reseach into college magazines

This magzine is targeted at male college students. The name of the magzines says it all. The masthead is written clearly in a formal styled font. The student appears to be standing infront of the masthead, whjich suggests that college students come first and are the main priority. The dominant colour used on this magazine is lime green, this colour has been chosen to grab the audiences attention, and pull them to the magazine. on the front of the magzine there is an image of a young college student which appears to be wearing samrt clothing and holiding a pile of books. This image reflects the target audience in a positive way.
The cover lines have been positioned to the left and right hand side of the front cover keeping them away from the image of the student, this has been done to make the magazine look organised. The important cover lines appear to be written in a large font and the less important appear to be written in small.

Straight away you can see the masthead which has been positioned across the top of the page, this is a good way of attracting readers to the front page. The colour white has been used on the masthead, so that it stands out against the dark background. The white colour really works against the black, This size of the font is quite large, this has again been done to grab the target audiences attention to the front page and make them want to read it. 
The image of the student on the front cover means so much to a magazine. By just looking at the cover and avoid reading the cover lines, you can tell straight away that theis magazine is aimed at students. The close-up shot enables us to see her clothing and stationairy very well.
The cover lines appear to be in a much smaller font compared to the other text. This has probably been done to show that the texts that are in larger fonts are much more important than the text in the smaller font.
This magazine is very similar to the one above. However,  this one is targeted at females. The dominant colour used is red and blue.The medium shot is focused on the girl. The background is blurred to make her stand out further. She also  appears to be wearing sporty clothing, this suggests that the magazine is going to focus on mainly health. The masthead

appears to be written in block capitals, which make it stand out.